Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Greatest Way, Greatest Love

Check this quote....

"The heart must have something to cling to—and never, by its voluntary consent, will the heart so detach itself from all its attachments that there shall not be one remaining object that can draw its attention or solicit its affections. The love of the world cannot be removed by a mere demonstration of the world’s worthlessness. The only way to dispossess the heart of an old affection is by the expulsive power of a new affection. We know of no other way by which to keep the love of the world out of our hearts than to keep in our hearts the love of God." Thomas Chalmers

A good friend told me an illustration that Joyce Meyer used in a message recently about a dog and a muzzle. She told the story of a dog that loved to bite feet. So the owners of the dog bought it a muzzle to stop it. And whilst this stopped the dog biting the dog didnt stop trying. She illustrated how the muzzle represents the "law". Whilst the dog was restrained under something that was imposed upon it, the dogs heart was still for chomping ankles.

We have to understand that we cannot change people by imposing laws or rules on them or by telling them the thing they love is worthless. But the greatest way is to show them a greater love. When reading this quote it made perfect sense why often when a woman is in an abusive relationship she will return to be with the man and no matter how much she is told how worthless he is or how bad he is she will still stay.

I pray that we would be a generation of people that would make the love of Christ so attractive, so personal, intimate and irresistable that it becomes infectious to the people around us. That we would show real love in a world that is plagued by a false perception of it. And that we would see a church filled with people, not living under a law but a heartfelt relationship with our king.

God Bless!!

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